How To Integrate Shopify With Etsy

Last Updated | March 9, 2023

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Shopify integration with Etsy can expand your reach, increase your sales, and streamline your operations. However, the process of integrating the two platforms may seem daunting at first.

In this blog post, we are going to answer your question of can you integrate Etsy with Shopify. Moreover, we’ll provide a step-by-guide to integrate Shopify with Etsy and its benefits, and we will also tell you about other ways to integrate Shopify with Etsy.

  • OjDigital stated that Etsy has been seeing a growth of 16% year on year, while Shopify is growing at a rapid speed of 35% year on year.
  • Backlinko has reported that Etsy has around 100 million active buyers who would be like the extra audience for Shopify businesses with this integration
  • According to Statista, 81% of Etsy customers are repeated customers.

How To Integrate Shopify With Etsy

Can You Integrate Shopify With Etsy

One question we have to answer before moving on with the integration does Shopify integrate with Etsy. The answer is yes. The best way for Etsy marketplace integration Shopify is to integrate it with the help of an app from Shopify marketplace as described in this article!

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Benefits Of Shopify Etsy Integration

Following are the benefits this integration provides.

Expanded Sales Channels

With Etsy and Shopify integration, you can create an additional sales channel and revenue for your Shopify store, which can help you increase your revenue potential. This means that you can reach customers who may not have discovered your store otherwise and generate more sales without having to invest in additional SEO marketing or advertising.

Simplified Inventory Management

With Shopify and Etsy integration, you can manage your inventory in one place. This can save you time and effort by allowing you to track your stock levels and avoid overselling or underselling easily. This can also help you organize your product listings on both platforms, as you can quickly adjust your prices, descriptions, or product variations based on your inventory levels.

By integrating your Shopify and Etsy stores, you can also automate the order processing and fulfilment process. This means that when a customer places an order on Etsy, it will be automatically reflected in your Shopify store and vice versa. This can help you avoid manual errors, save time on data entry, and ensure that your orders are processed quickly and accurately.

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Increased Exposure

Etsy is one of the most popular online marketplaces, with a large and active community of buyers. By Etsy integration Shopify, you can expand your reach and gain access to millions of potential customers who are already looking for products like yours. This can be especially helpful for new businesses that are looking to build their customer base and establish a presence in the market.

Streamlined Shipping

Shipping can be a complex and time-consuming process, but by integrating your Shopify and Etsy stores, you can streamline your shipping operations. You can easily print shipping labels, track shipments, and manage order fulfilment from one place, which can save you time and help you deliver a better customer experience.

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Centralized Data

By integrating your Shopify and Etsy stores, you can centralize all your sales data, customer information, and analytics in one place. This can help you make informed business decisions and improve your overall sales strategy.

Shopify integration -Shopify integration with Etsy

For example, you can easily track your sales performance, analyze customer behavior, and adjust your pricing or marketing strategy based on real-time data.

Customizable Storefronts

Shopify and Etsy both offer customizable storefronts that allow you to create a unique brand identity. By integrating the two, you can create a cohesive brand experience across all your sales channels, which can help you build customer loyalty and increase your brand recognition.

You can also customize your product listings, pricing, and promotional offers based on your target audience and market trends.

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Step By Step Integration Of Etsy With Shopify With The Help Of Cedcommerce Etsy Shopify Integration App

If you are wondering how to integrate Etsy with Shopify, then here is a step-by-step guide to the best Etsy Shopify integration with the help of a Shopify Etsy integration app, which is one of the best Shopify Etsy integration app:

Step 1: Install CedCommerce Etsy Shopify Integration App

The first step is to install the CedCommerce Etsy Shopify Integration app on your Shopify store.

To do this, go to the Shopify App development Store, search for CedCommerce Etsy Shopify Integration, and click on the “Add app” button to install it.

Install CedCommerce Etsy Shopify Integration App

Step 2: Connect Your Etsy Account

After installing the app, you need to connect your Etsy account to the app.

To do this, click on the “Connect Etsy” button and enter your Etsy login credentials. Then, click on the “Connect” button to authorize the app to access your Etsy account.

Shopify migration -Shopify integration with Etsy

Step 3: Configure Settings

Once your Etsy account is connected, you can configure the app settings to sync your Etsy products, orders, and inventory with your Shopify store.

You can set up the auto-sync frequency, enable real-time inventory sync, map your Etsy categories to Shopify collections, and more.

Step 4: Sync Products from Etsy to Shopify

To sync your Etsy products with Shopify, go to the “Import Products” section and click on the “Import Products from Etsy” button.

The app will fetch all your Etsy products and create them as Shopify products. You can then edit and manage these products from your Shopify store.

Step 5: Manage Inventory

To manage your inventory, go to the “Inventory Management” section and click on the “Sync Inventory” button. The app will sync your Etsy inventory with your Shopify inventory in real time. You can also set up low-stock alerts and manage your inventory levels from Shopify.

Read Also Inventory management Shopify App

That’s it!

You have successfully achieved Etsy to Shopify integration using CedCommerce Etsy Shopify Integration App or Hire the best Shopify developmnet company.

There are also other methods but those methods require immense experience and knowledge about coding in Shopify hence, we have opted for the easiest, fast and best Shopify Etsy integration process.


Now you know the answer to does Etsy integrate with Shopify. Integrating Shopify with Etsy can be a powerful strategy for online sellers looking to boost their sales and expand their customer base. By connecting your Shopify store with Etsy, you can leverage the strengths of both platforms to reach more potential customers, streamline your operations, and increase your revenue.

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Whether you’re just starting out or have an established online presence, following the steps outlined in this blog can help you successfully integrate Shopify with Etsy. Now, You can avail our service of Etsy integration with Shopify for streamlined and fast integration.


Do I Need Technical Expertise to Integrate Shopify with Etsy?

No, you don’t need any technical expertise. You can just follow our step-by-step guide to complete the integration process.

How do I Integrate Shopify with Etsy with Any Other Method than CedCommerce App ?

There are several third-party apps available that can help you integrate Shopify with Etsy, such as Syncio, Sellbrite, and Codisto. You can also use Etsy’s API to create a custom integration. However, why waste such time, and energy dealing with third-party complex stuff.

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If you’re still unable to do the integration, then opt for Folio3’s services to get a streamlined omnichannel experience for Etsy integration with Shopify.

What Information can I Sync Between Shopify and Etsy?

You can sync various information such as product information, pricing, inventory levels, and order information between Shopify and Etsy.

Do I Need to have an Etsy Shop to Integrate Shopify with Etsy?

Yes, you need to have an active Etsy shop to integrate Shopify with Etsy.

Are there any Fees Associated with Integrating Shopify with Etsy?

The integration with the CedCommerce app described above can be quite heavy on the pocket as it charges 59 dollars per month. However, with Folio3’s integration service, there will be a one-time fee instead of the monthly fee that third-party apps charge.

Can I Manage My Etsy Orders in Shopify?

Yes, once you have integrated Shopify with Etsy, you can manage your Etsy orders in Shopify.


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