Tag: Wordpress

How to Configure WordPress Settings – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

How to Configure WordPress Settings – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Looking for a detailed guide to set up the WordPress settings of your website?  WordPress settings are really important to set up because they create the core foundation that how your site is going to function. Basically, it includes six different pages General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, and Permalink. These six different pages of WordPress settings impact your site and can help you to take control of the entire. You can optimize your WordPress website to the best that will...

WordPress Gutenberg – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

WordPress Gutenberg – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Wondering about WordPress Gutenberg? WordPress Gutenberg is also known as the WordPress block editor and now is part of WordPress core. It offers a different way to create interactive posts and pages.  Gutenberg is one of the most popular WordPress plugins. Do you know, with 67 million downloads, the second most downloaded plugin is Gutenberg? The reason behind this is, Gutenberg includes each and every element that’s often needed to create a web page like paragraphs, headings, lists, buttons, widgets,...

Create a WordPress Business Directory (Best Plugins & Tutorial)

Regardless of whether you want to create a fully-fledged WordPress business directory or make it a part of your overall site, a business directory WordPress plugin would do the job for you. While some plugins are specifically designed to just create a business directory, others can offer a much wider range of functionalities that would also help you manage other areas of your WordPress website. Features to Look For in a WordPress Business Directory Plugin While the exact choice of...

5 Best WordPress Class and Course Registration Plugins

WordPress is really flexible in that it allows users to implement specific functionalities easily without touching the code. You can add any kind of functionality to your WordPress site using plugins. So if you want to build a form for class registration or sell a course, then all you need is a WordPress class registration plugin. However, the problem of plenty is very real with WordPress. You have tens of options for pretty much any functionality you want to add...

Give Clients the Power to Self-Manage and Update Their WordPress Sites

To developers, the WordPress admin interface is really simple and intuitive, particularly considering the amount of trouble we go through to make things behave like they should. I found out a lot of clients that were excited about having their own self-powered CMS, freaked out when trying to change a piece of content or simply weren’t using it at all. It still wasn’t easy or intuitive enough. Three things that make it hard for non-technical clients to update their site...

WP Greet Box, my Design and Thematic – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Photo by StevenM_61 First of all the reason: most of my trafic comes from StumbleUpon. With that in mind I decided that it would be a really good way to promote my blog by nicely asking visitors that came from Stumble to give me a thumb up if they like the article (the all “ask and you will be given” mentality). The ideea came from stumbling on a post from Smashing Magazine which nicely asked for my “Thumb Up”. Initially...