Tag: Pixabay

Creating coherent book-length articles with GPT-4 Turbo

Creating coherent book-length articles with GPT-4 Turbo
The first day of last year marked a significant milestone for the CyberSEO Pro plugin, as it introduced support for OpenAI GPT, becoming the first in the market to use AI for autoblogging. As the year unfolded, the AI domain continued to evolve, culminating in the release of the OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo, Google Gemini Pro and Anthropic Claude 2.1 models. These models are distinguished by their capacity to generate extensive texts, reaching up to 128K tokens for GPT-4 Turbo (equivalent...

Where to get images for an autoblog?

Where to get images for an autoblog?
In our tutorial articles, we’ve thoroughly explored the process of creating high-quality articles for your autoblog using CyberSEO Pro and RSS Retriever plugins. These tools offer the ability to generate informative and engaging WordPress posts of virtually any size, using advanced technologies like OpenAI GPT-4, Google Gemini Pro, and Anthropic Claude. However, beyond compelling textual content with rich HTML formatting, no article is complete without graphic images. This time, we’ll delve into this aspect. To enrich AI-generated posts with images,...

WordPress autoblogging with CyberSEO and OpenAI GPT – A roadmap to legal compliance – CyberSEO Pro

WordPress autoblogging with CyberSEO and OpenAI GPT – A roadmap to legal compliance – CyberSEO Pro
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, content creation is an essential part of any successful online strategy. The integration of OpenAI GPT with the CyberSEO Pro plugin for WordPress provides an exciting solution for automatically generating content without violating intellectual property laws. This approach is not only legally compliant, but also a cost-effective alternative to hiring professional copywriters. Understand and comply with intellectual property laws in the age of auto-generated content The idea of generating content from existing news articles may...

No-source GPT autoblogging – CyberSEO Pro

No-source GPT autoblogging – CyberSEO Pro
In this article, you will find out how to use OpenAI GPT for automatic generation of WordPress posts without relying on third-party content sources such as RSS feeds. Fortunately, CyberSEO Pro offers multiple ways to accomplish this, and we’ll start by examining the simplest approach. For a quick start, just watch the short tutorial video below.  In the example shown in this video, we demonstrate how to use OpenAI GPT to generate a WordPress post title and article based...