Tips to Hire Best IT Outsourcing Companies in Dubai- A Step by Step Guide For Shopify startup

What Is IT Outsourcing In Dubai And Why Do You Need To Outsource In UAE For Shopify Development?

Tips to Hire Best IT Outsourcing Companies in Dubai- A Step by Step Guide For Shopify startup

Shopify is the best Multi-channel commerce platform powering over 500,000 businesses in 175 countries. Shopify offers a flexible and powerful feature-rich experience as well as a simple and lightweight infrastructure that helps you run your eCommerce store successfully. As a business owner, you can leverage Shopify’s customizable functionalities, intuitive interface, and tons of features to expand your buyer market, garner more customers, and get the word going about your brand. However, the power of Shopify goes as far as your Shopify development partner.

In this article, you will explore the great values of how to hire it outsourcing companies in Dubai for Shopify store.

Shopify development

If you are looking to create and own an online store that makes use of the Shopify platform, packing all the up-and-coming features and functionalities, and transforming the e-commerce experience of your customers, you need technologically updated and experienced Shopify developers to offer a comprehensive range of advanced Shopify services. Unless you have a technologically sound IT team who have years of experience under their belts in Shopify development, it is prudent to outsource your Shopify development service to IT outsourcing companies in UAE and hire someone to build a Shopify website.

In a nutshell, IT outsourcing is when you seek the services of a third-party vendor to deliver some or all of the IT functions needed by your business, including IT Shopify maintenance and support, managing infrastructure, developing technology solutions, and even providing technology services and resources. Increasingly, more and more companies are looking to outsource information technology services, including programming and application development, to these external agencies to streamline business operations, get access to field specialists, and leave their hands free to focus on core competencies.

Most top outsourcing companies in Dubai offer end-to-end Shopify solutions including Shopify theme development, Shopify online store setup, App development, Product categorization, Shopify migration, Shopify SEO optimization, third-party Integrations, and Shopify support via a managed network of trained professionals.

Their Shopify experts possess extensive experience in custom Shopify design and development and stay ahead of the curve with innovative designs and technology. They fully comprehend the Shopify API inside out and offer you a strategic and optimized Shopify website development process that helps your brand stand above the noise and move users down the sales funnel.

A professionally built Shopify store maximizes conversion while communicating your brand values to customers. Build an intuitive, responsive, sales-driven, scalable, and robust online store with a team of diligent Shopify experts at your fingertips and offer an unparalleled user experience to customers.

Key Criteria for Selecting IT Outsourcing Partners in Dubai

Criteria Description
Expertise and Specialization Ensure the outsourcing company has relevant expertise and a proven track record in technologies aligned with your project.
Industry Experience Look for a partner with experience in your industry to navigate specific challenges effectively.
Reputation and References Check client testimonials and references to gauge the outsourcing partner’s reputation and reliability.
Cultural Compatibility Assess language proficiency, communication styles, and cultural alignment with your business in Dubai.
Compliance and Legal Considerations Verify compliance with Dubai’s regulations, including data protection laws and industry-specific requirements.
Security Measures Ensure robust security protocols and certifications (e.g., ISO 27001) are in place for data protection.
Scalability and Flexibility Confirm the outsourcing partner’s ability to scale resources and adapt to evolving project needs.
Communication and Collaboration Skills Emphasize effective communication and collaboration frameworks for successful project outcomes.
Project Management Capabilities Evaluate the partner’s project management processes, tools, and methodologies.
Financial Stability Assess the financial stability of the outsourcing company for long-term collaboration assurance.
Location and Time Zone Considerations Consider the physical location and time zone alignment for smoother collaboration.
Innovation and Technology Adoption Choose a partner committed to innovation and staying abreast of the latest technologies.
SLAs and Contracts Thoroughly review service level agreements and contracts to ensure alignment with your business goals.

Shopify development

Types of IT Outsourcing In Dubai for Shopify Web & App Development

Types of IT Outsourcing In Dubai for Shopify Web & App Development

Offshore Outsourcing

In Offshore IT outsourcing, you will be working with a remote Shopify development team, mostly from another country. This type of outsourcing results in reduced costs, political stability, and tax savings. Due to the relatively low wages acceptable in countries that provide offshore IT outsourcing services, you can quickly scale up your support as you grow your business.

Nearshore Outsourcing

Akin to offshore outsourcing, you will be outsourcing your Shopify development services to a company in a country that shares a border with your own. This is better than offshore outsourcing since the proximity eases travel and communication between the two companies. Even better, without the difference between time zones, you can be sure to get the support you want at the time you need it. Also, outsourcing to a neighboring country may lower the language and cultural barrier that is the bane of offshoring.

Onshore/Domestic Outsourcing

This is where you outsource your Shopify development services to local companies that provide said services within the same country as your business is based. Even though this option comes with a higher price tag than others on this list, the absence of language and culture barrier, as well the same time zones and geographical proximity, make your outsourcing partner more accessible. You can be certain of good control & high responsiveness when you choose a Shopify development partner who truly understands your needs and requirements.

Managed Service

Under this type of IT outsourcing, you partner with a third-party vendor who will provide full network management for your business, including setting up VPNs, ensuring secure online transactions, managing firewalls, and maintaining your IT infrastructure altogether to take the pain out of the process.

How Does IT Outsourcing Work to Create Your Shopify Store in Dubai and Abu Dhabi?

How Does IT Outsourcing Work to create your Shopify Store in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Outsourcing development to credible Shopify development companies in the UAE ensures higher-quality results than developing in-house. Certified Shopify developers are masters of fusing custom code, an appealing visual UI, and well-functioning interactivity to create visually aesthetic and high-performing online stores. Here’s how the best Shopify web design outsourcing companies in Dubai can help you:

Custom Shopify Apps

Shopify offers a vast repository of out-of-the-box apps at your fingertips. But when you need something above and beyond for your store, specialized Shopify partners can support your vision with customizable Shopify Apps or even develop plug-ins with features that cater to your unique needs and allow you to extend the functionality of your store. Leave the development, installation, and integration of Apps for Shopify Online Stores to professionals and focus on your core business function.

Shopify Setup Services

From product setup, setting up domains and pricing to shipping and from transactions to payment gateways and social media integration, Shopify development companies have experts who can make it happen for you. From installation and configuration to integration and deployment, they will do all that for you.

Read Also Zendesk Shopify Integration

Shopify Theme Development

If you don’t want a run-of-the-mill eCommerce store, Shopify UI/UX designers can tweak existing themes to bring about functional improvements and user experience optimization or create a unique responsive theme from scratch with cross-browser compatibility.

Shopify Integration

Best outsourcing companies in Abu Dhabi have professional Shopify integration experts who can create reliable Shopify integrations which connect your Shopify storefront with a wide array of third-party systems and applications. Be it payment gateway or shipping integration, these companies can help you automate transactions such as fulfillment, inventory, orders, refunds, and billing, between your store and other third-party systems.

Shopify Migration Services

Have you chosen the wrong platform for your Ecommerce business? It’s never too late. Whether you are moving to Shopify from a physical store or an online platform, Shopify development companies ensure a seamless migration without loss of data or issues with incompatibilities, dead links, or broken navigation.

Shopify Maintenance

Be it content updates, offline maintenance, apps/plugins maintenance or code maintenance, maintenance is a tedious task, but regardless of whether you have a small query or need ongoing help – you will always have a competent team ready to help you.

Why Are There Many IT Outsourcing Companies In UAE For Shopify Web Design And Development?

Why Are There Many IT Outsourcing Companies In UAE For Shopify Web Design And Development

Governmental Backbone

Political and legal environments have a far reaching impact on the success of a company. Thankfully, the UAE government is quite favorable to businesses. Opening a company in UAE requires far less formalities than in other countries, not to mention, businesses benefit from tax waivers and numerous concessions. In a bid to make UAE an outsourcing hub, the government has introduced many policies that work to the benefit of IT outsourcing companies.

Read Also: Shopify Dropshipping in UAE

Sufficient Labor

UAE has relatively more flexible visa policies. Not to mention, the lower cost of living plus a good working environment attracts hordes of foreigners who are looking for jobs. The vast pool of talented labor force lowers the operating costs for outsourcing companies in UAE. This allows them to offer pocket-friendly services to their clients in turn.

Plenty of International Investment

The UAE government is increasingly making it easier for new investors to set up shops in Dubai by passing new laws to accelerate investment. Not to mention, Dubai’s tax-free business environment is a huge perk to new companies, which is more and more entrappers flock to Dubai to set up shop. Since IT outsourcing has become the new buzzword, businesses operating on a large scale try to outsource their IT needs to professionals. This is one of the many reasons for the increased demand for business outsourcing companies in the UAE.

Enhanced Infrastructure

The state-of-the-art infrastructure of the UAE supports businesses of all nature. Be it efficient communication system, excellent transportation systems, or full-fledged workspaces equipped with the most up and coming technology, UAE is all set to provide growth opportunities to businesses

Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing IT Or Shopify E-commerce Development?


Cost Saving

It can be quite expensive to train and maintain a huge in-house IT department, especially if Shopify development is not their strong forte. If you weigh in the cost of Shopify developers, data administrators, systems analysts, UI/UX designers, and quality assurance personnel in the US alone, you will find it quite difficult to stay afloat. Some companies resort to hiring freelancers, but the uncertainty and unreliability of this option can take a toll on your mental and financial health.  On the other hand, working with a company dedicated to providing Shopify development and support services, brings highly skilled workers and processes to the table at a fraction of the labor-related costs. By tapping into a global talent pool, it’s easier to find the right talent at the right price. Rest assured, shifting your IT spend to a predictable month-to-month model gives you access to the right skillsets, resources, and reduced long-term cost.


If you are lagging in the IT department, top outsourcing companies in Dubai can help you stand out, reach out to a vast audience and boost your bottom line by leveraging cutting-edge technological resources. This will give you a clear edge over competitors, and fortify you against a changing cyber threat landscape. With proficient Shopify development services, your business can jump to new levels of accomplishments.

Technically Diverse Teams

Specialized Shopify development companies have hired a large number of professionals who have extensive experience working with different technology stacks. This enables them to develop fully integrated Shopify stores that work seamlessly with other platforms. For instance, dedicated Shopify UI/UX engineers are pros at the ergonomics of eCommerce stores and know what consumers find pleasing. Similarly, dedicated Shopify developers know how to design responsive and visually appealing online stores that look good on mobile devices, while Shopify integration experts help make your eCommerce software versatile and adaptable. By fully understanding the intricacies of the platform, these Shopify web design outsourcing companies in Dubai help you get the best out of it.


Lack of Coordination

Some organizations look to create hybrid IT teams by mixing outsourced consultants with their internal team. While the model can be quite effective down the lane, choosing the wrong IT outsourcing partner can lead to obscurities in responsibilities and roles. Not to mention, it can also be common for outsourced IT consultants to lack the necessary familiarity with your IT infrastructure. However, with the right IT leadership, you can be sure of a smooth transition.

Loss of Control

When you outsource your IT tasks to an external company, it may feel like you’re losing control of how those tasks are being monitored and performed. However, reliable IT outsourcing companies keep you in the loop and work hand-in-hand with your existing IT team.

FAQs For IT Sourcing in Dubai For Shopify Online Store Development

How much does it cost to create a start business Shopify app using outsourcing in UAE?

The cost of your Shopify app depends upon the set of features and functionalities, as well as the bells and whistles that you want in your app. The cost of your Shopify app is a breakdown of the various stages involved in the development, such as business discovery/concept, UI/UX design, development, testing, launch, support, etc. Most outsourcing companies charge you an hourly rate. Since the average hourly rate varies from country to country, outsourcing your Shopify development to a company is some other country may cost much less. For instance, Shopify development companies in US/Europe charge an average of $50-200/hr, but the rate goes down for Shopify developers in Asia at a mere $20-50/hr.

When outsourcing eCommerce development in UAE, who is on the project steering committee?

The key to a successful IT sourcing arrangement is one where there is a strategic steering committee to facilitate planning and to encourage a periodic review of priorities and long–term objectives. The composition of the outsourcing steering committee is decided after mutual agreement from both partners. Usually, an outsourcing project steering committee comprises a number of directors and key senior executives from both companies.

How Folio3 is the best eCommerce development company to outsource Shopify migration in UAE?

As one of the best outsourcing companies in Abu Dhabi, Folio3 boasts over two decades of experience developing immaculate eCommerce and growth-centric solutions that deliver an unparalleled user experience. Folio3’s experts offer state-of-the-art eCommerce website solutions that exceed performance, help expedite sales, and in turn, also increase revenue. They are masters of curating customizable, visually striking, creative and innovative user experiences that enable clients to reach the height of success that they deserve. Be it eCommerce Design and Development, integration services, or eCommerce migration, Folio3 can deliver.

How does outsourcing work in Shopify migration?

The process of migrating from a legacy or proprietary eCommerce system to Shopify is rife with spaces for mistakes. Fortunately, a dedicated and certified team of Shopify migration experts at Shopify development companies can import all your data, such as products, categories, specifications, SEO settings, item category images, fulfillment services, customer information, orders, coupons, price./inventory rules, strip HTML styling, manufacturer data and images, taxes, CMS page, reviews, blogs, and a whole lot more to Shopify. Accurate data mapping and web page transfer are critical for your operation, which is why IT outsourcing companies in UAE offer you a seamless, hitch-free migration process with minimal risk so that you get your online store up and running in no time.


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