Klaviyo Email and SMS legacy Form

Last Updated | April 3, 2023

Table of Contents

An Overview: Klaviyo Email and SMS legacy Form

As a developer, your client needs to have sign-up forms to engage their shoppers, grow their email marketing and SMS lists, and build long-lasting customer relationships. Klaviyo’s email and SMS Legacy Form is a powerful tool that can take your marketing strategy to the next level.

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of Klaviyo email and SMS legacy Form and its seamless integration with Shopify. We’ll provide you with the insights and guidance you need to effectively leverage the Klaviyo Email and SMS Legacy Form, regardless of your level of experience.

Klaviyo Email and SMS legacy Form

  • Nearly more than 728k sites have used Klaviyo to date, and around 480k sites are live even today.
  • Klaviyo email legacy form or Klaviyo SMS legacy form has been applied nearly half a million times on various websites.

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  • Brands have managed to earn a revenue of more than 3.7 Billion dollars with the help of Klaviyo in 2021.

How to Use Klaviyo Email and SMS legacy Form

In this section, we are going to talk about creating a full workflow within Klaviyo using Klaviyo email and SMS legacy forms.

Create A Form

To create a form in Klaviyo, go to the “Forms” tab in your account and click “Create Form.” Choose the type of form you want to create, such as a pop-up or inline form.

You can also choose from several design templates or customize the design and messaging to fit your brand. Be sure to add a clear call-to-action that encourages visitors to enter their email addresses or phone number.

Create a Sign up form

Add Email And/Or Sms Fields

Once you’ve chosen the type of form you want to create, you’ll need to add fields for collecting email addresses and/or phone numbers. In Klaviyo, you can drag and drop fields onto your form and customize the labels and formatting. Klaviyo automatically validates email addresses to ensure they are formatted correctly, and you can also choose to validate phone numbers for SMS messaging.

Integrate With Your Website Or E-Commerce Platform

After you’ve created your form, you’ll need to integrate it with your website or e-commerce platform so that visitors can see and interact with it.

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Klaviyo provides code snippets that you can embed on your website or landing pages, or you can use integrations with platforms such as Shopify, Magento, or WooCommerce. Once your form is integrated, test it to make sure it is collecting data properly.

Set Up Automated Flows

Once someone submits your form and enters their email address or phone number, you can use Klaviyo’s automation workflows to trigger welcome emails or SMS messages, abandoned cart reminders, and other automated messages.

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In Klaviyo, you can set up triggers and actions for each step of the customer journey, allowing you to engage with subscribers at the right time and with the right message. For example, you might set up an automated welcome email that goes out as soon as someone enters their email address into your form.

Set Up Automated Flows

Monitor And Optimize

Finally; it’s important to monitor and optimize your forms and email/SMS marketing campaigns. Use Klaviyo’s analytics and reporting to track metrics such as form submission rates, email open rates, and SMS click-through rates.

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Identify areas where you can improve your messaging or design and make adjustments as needed. A/B testing can also help you optimize your campaigns and improve your results over time.

By following these steps and using Klaviyo’s powerful marketing tools, you can create effective email and SMS marketing campaigns that drive engagement and growth for your business.

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Custom Form Configurations

There is also a custom way of creating a full flow. You can create separate forms for email and SMS if you want, but in this part, we are going to use both fields in the same form.  In this section, we will talk extensively about creating custom fields and connecting it with Klaviyo so that you can integrate them within your Shopify store.

<form id=”email_signup” action=”//manage.kmail-lists.com/subscriptions/subscribe” data-ajax-submit=”//manage.kmail-lists.com/ajax/subscriptions/subscribe” method=”GET”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”g” value=”LIST_ID”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”$source” value=”Source”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”$fields” value=”$consent”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”$list_fields” value=”$consent”>

<div class=”klaviyo_field_group”>
<label for=”k_id_email”>Newsletter Sign Up</label>
<input class=”” type=”email” value=”” name=”email” id=”k_id_email”     placeholder=”Your email” />
<input class=”” type=”tel” value=”” name=”phone” id=”k_id_phone_number” placeholder=”Your Phone” />
<div class=”klaviyo_field_group klaviyo_form_actions”>
<div class=”klaviyo_helptext”>Accept Policy and Terms of Service </div>
<input type=”checkbox” name=”$consent” id=”accept-policy” value=”yes” checked>

<div class=”klaviyo_messages”>
<div class=”success_message” style=”display:none;”></div>
<div class=”error_message” style=”display:none;”></div>

<div class=”klaviyo_form_actions”>
<button type=”submit” class=”klaviyo_submit_button”>Subscribe</button> </div>

Show Success Message Upon Submission

KlaviyoSubscribe.attachToForms(‘#newsletter_form’, {
hide_form_on_success: true,
success_message: “Check your email or texts for your welcome offer.”,

By using this form you will be able to get the email and phone number of the user in your specified list along with the consent status. If you have enabled the double opt-in option, the user will receive the email that he needs to confirm his subscription.

Using Multiple Lists

Another scenario is when you have to use a separate list for both email and mobile. In that case, you will have to use some custom logic to achieve that.

First, you will need to create another hidden form with an SMS list

<div class=”klaviyo-hidden-form” style=”display:none;”>

<form action=”https://manage.kmail-lists.com/subscriptions/subscribe” data-ajax-submit=”//manage.kmail-lists.com/ajax/subscriptions/subscribe” id=”newsletter_form_sms” method=”GET”>

<input type=”hidden” name=”g” value=”LIST_ID”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”$source” value=”Source”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”$fields” value=”$phone_number,sms_consent,$consent”>
<input type=”email” value=”” name=”email” id=”email_hidden” >
<input type=”phone” value=”” name=”$phone_number” id=”phone_hidden” >
<input name=”$consent” type=”checkbox” value=”yes” checked >
<input name=”sms_consent” type=”checkbox” value=”true” checked >

<button id=”subscribe_hidden” class=”subscribe_btn” type=”submit” name=”subscribe”> submit </button>


Add a key up event on your first form input fields and replace the values in hidden form for SMS list

$(‘#k_id_phone_number, #k_id_email’).on(‘keyup’,function(){
var type = $(this).attr(‘type’);
var value = $(this).val();
if(type == ‘tel’){
var formatted_number = “+1″ + value.replace(/[-+ ]/g,””);

After that, add a callback function in your first JS script

KlaviyoSubscribe.attachToForms(‘#newsletter_form’, {
hide_form_on_success: true,
success_message: “Check your email or texts for your welcome offer.”,

success : function ($form) {
let phone = document.getElementById(“k_id_phone_number”).value;
let submit_form = document.getElementById(‘subscribe_hidden’);

document.querySelector(‘.subscribe_btn’).innerHTML = “you’re in! 🎉”


Show Success message on successful submission

KlaviyoSubscribe.attachToForms(‘#newsletter_form_sms’, {
hide_form_on_success: true,
success_message: “Congratulations”,
success : function ($form) {
console.log(‘successfully submitted to Klaviyo’)

Benefits Of Klaviyo Email And Sms Legacy Form

Using Klaviyo Email and SMS Legacy Form with Shopify can provide many benefits for your eCommerce business, especially when combined with the expertise of a top Shopify development company in USA.

Following are the benefits of the Klaviyo email and SMS legacy form for your Shopify store:

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Collecting Customer Information

By using the Klaviyo SMS Legacy Form with Shopify, you can easily collect customer information, such as email addresses and phone numbers. This allows you to build your email and SMS subscriber list, which can be used to send targeted marketing messages to your customers.

Segmentation and Personalization

Klaviyo allows you to segment your email and SMS lists based on customer behavior and preferences. This means you can send personalized messages to customers based on their past purchases, browsing behavior, and other data points.

You can also enhance your Shopify store’s functionality and user experience with services such as Shopify theme customization and development provided by a Shopify theme development company. You can also leverage the best Shopify app development services to add new features and functionality to your store.


Klaviyo also offers powerful automation tools that allow you to send triggered emails and SMS messages based on specific customer actions or events. For example, you can send a welcome series to new subscribers or abandoned cart emails to customers who have left items in their shopping cart.

Tracking and Reporting

Klaviyo provides detailed analytics and reporting tools that permit you to track the performance of your email and SMS campaigns. You can see open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and other key metrics, which can help you optimize your campaigns for better results.

Integration with Shopify

Klaviyo integrates seamlessly with Shopify, allowing you to sync inventory/customer data, track purchases, and more. This means you can use Klaviyo to build targeted email and SMS campaigns that are tailored to your Shopify customers.

Furthermore, Shopify maintenance services can help ensure that your store is always up-to-date and running smoothly, while Shopify integration services and Shopify ERP integration services can help you connect your store with other tools and platforms, such as ERP systems.

Overall, by using Klaviyo Email Legacy Form with Shopify and working with a top Shopify development company, you can improve your eCommerce business and drive more sales.


In conclusion, Klaviyo’s Email and SMS Legacy Form is a versatile and effective marketing platform that can help eCommerce businesses increase their sales and grow their customer base. Its advanced automation tools, detailed analytics, and integration with Shopify make it a top choice for marketers looking to streamline their campaigns and achieve better results.

By using Klaviyo Email and SMS Legacy Form in combination with Shopify and following the best practices outlined in this blog, you can take your eCommerce business to the next level and succeed in today’s competitive market. So what are you waiting for?

Start exploring the world of Klaviyo today and see the difference it can make for your business!

Source: https://ecommerce.folio3.com/blog/klaviyo-email-and-sms-legacy-form-shopify/

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