Tag: SEO

Why you don’t need meta keywords

Why you don’t need meta keywords
If you’re using WordPress plugins like CyberSEO Pro, RSS Retriever or AI Autoblogger, you might be wondering about the importance of meta keywords. Let’s cut to the chase: you don’t need them. Here’s why, and what you should be focusing on instead. The rise and fall of meta keywords To understand why meta keywords are obsolete, we need to take a trip down memory lane. Meta keywords have a rich history that dates back to the internet’s infancy. Born in...

Autoblogging and SEO in 2024

Autoblogging and SEO in 2024
In 2023, the field of AI saw significant progress. The year featured the high-profile and somewhat controversial launch of Google Gemini Pro, as well as the release of OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo – a powerful model, very useful for autoblogging. Anthropic also continued to evolve its Claude model, releasing version 2.1 to reduce the risk of hallucinations. The CyberSEO Pro plugin underwent rapid development, gaining new features and integrations. Notably, it now supports all three AI models mentioned above. As 2024...

The “Auto-comments” tool gets a second breath – CyberSEO Pro

The “Auto-comments” tool gets a second breath – CyberSEO Pro
CyberSEO Pro ver. 9.019 brings a new experimental RSS auto-comments feature, which literally gives a second breath to SEO of your site. Some CyberSEO Pro users get confused with the name of this feature and think it somehow related with so-called comment spam in blogs, when blackhat “optimizers” post random comments on other blog websites to promote their own sites, goods or services. Usually they do it with a use of various automatized tools like Scrapebox. The “Auto-comments” tool, provided...

What is URL Canonicalization and how to Use Canonical Tag Properly?

Google definitely wasn’t the first search engine that surfaced the Internet. But Google did things in a better way and provided results that were actually useful. Google hasn’t stopped expanding as a company since that very day. Though SEO is done for all the search engines that exist today, one major search engine that handles most of the traffic on the Internet is Google. Whenever we talk about SEO, people automatically assume that we are talking about optimizing the website...