Shopware 6 Data Associations: Many-to-Many Guide – Folio3 Ecommerce

Last Updated | November 8, 2023

Creating data associations, especially many-to-many relationships between entities in Shopware 6, entails establishing connections between two or more entities and setting up the requisite database structures and mappings. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to go about creating these many-to-many associations within Shopware 6.

Example Scenario: 

Let’s consider you want to create a many-to-many association between Products and Categories. One product can belong to multiple categories, and one category can contain multiple products.

  1. Create or Identify Entities:

   – In our example, you have two entities: `Product` and `Category`. Ensure that these entities are already defined and set up in your Shopware 6 plugin or project.

  1. Define the Association:

   – Open the entity definitions for `Product` and `Category` (e.g., ProductEntity.php and CategoryEntity.php) in your plugin.

   – Inside each entity, define a ManyToMany association property that represents the relationship. This property should be annotated with `ManyToMany` and should specify the target entity and mapping information.

   For the `ProductEntity`:

* @ManyToMany(targetEntity=”CategoryEntity”, mappedBy=”products”)
* @JoinTable(name=”product_category”)
protected $categories;

For the `CategoryEntity`:

* @ManyToMany(targetEntity=”ProductEntity”, inversedBy=”categories”)
* @JoinTable(name=”product_category”)
protected $products;

Here, `targetEntity` specifies the related entity (the opposite side of the association). The `JoinTable` annotation is used to define the intermediate database table name.

  1. Generate Migrations:

   – After defining the associations in your entities, you need to create migrations to update the database schema. Run the following command to generate the migration:

bin/console system:migration:create

This will create migration files for the database schema changes needed for the many-to-many association.

  1. Edit Migrations:

   – Open the generated migration files (e.g., `Migration1585821577.php`) in the `src/Migration` directory and define the database schema changes to create the junction table. This table holds the associations between products and categories.

   For example, you can create a junction table named `product_category` with columns like `product_id` and `category_id` to establish the many-to-many relationship.

public function update(Connection $connection): void
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_category` (
`product_id` BINARY(16) NOT NULL,
`category_id` BINARY(16) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`product_id`, `category_id`),
KEY `fk.product_category.product_id` (`product_id`),
KEY `fk.product_category.category_id` (`category_id`)

  1. Run Migrations:

– Execute the migrations to update the database schema:

bin/console system:migration:migrate

  1. Update Entity Definitions:

   – Update your entity definitions to include getter and setter methods for the new association property (`$categories` in `ProductEntity` and `$products` in `CategoryEntity`).

  1. Use the Many-to-Many Association:

   – With the association established, you can now use it to associate products with categories and vice versa in your code. You can fetch associated categories for a product and associated products for a category.

For example, in a service or controller, you can add products to a category:



And retrieve associated categories for a product:

$categories = $product->getCategories();

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a many-to-many association between Products and Categories in Shopware 6. This approach can be adapted for creating many-to-many associations between other entities in your Shopware 6 project.


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