Peoplevox Salesforce Commerce Cloud Integrations: How to Implement It

Last Updated | February 21, 2023

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Companies in today’s fast-moving digital landscape need the ability to respond quickly to shifting customer preferences and market conditions. To accomplish this, you can connect your e-Commerce platform with other robust resources, like Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Peoplevox Salesforce Commerce Cloud integrations help businesses save time and money while enhancing customer satisfaction and growth. 

In this article, we’ll discuss how to maximize your company’s potential with Peoplevox Salesforce Commerce Cloud integrations. We’ll go over a wide variety of applications, such as stock and order management, as well as CRM and user data storage and retrieval. 

By the time you reach the end of this blog post, you will have a firm grasp of the ways in which Peoplevox Salesforce Commerce Cloud integrations can improve your company’s operations.

  • Salesforce caters to more than 150 thousand businesses worldwide.
  • Several big companies like OLX, Razorpay, and others use Salesforce for their business worldwide.
  • Salesforce generated about 31 billion dollars in revenue in the year 2022.

Does PeopleVox Integrate with Salesforce Commerce Cloud?

Yes, Peoplevox does integrate with Salesforce. However, it does not follow the same typical Salesforce Commerce cloud implementation route. It uses a little complex method due to Salesforce commerce cloud optimization and lack of app connectors. 

We have described the whole process below; just make sure to follow each step as it is mentioned.

Step-by-Step Guide to this Integration

In order to create Peoplevox Salesforce Commerce Cloud integrations, you have to use a third-party connection tool called Patchworks. It provides an interface to connect two software which in this case are PeopleVox and Salesforce, together. This is factually better than Salesforce commerce cloud migration and works smoothly as well.

Basically, Patchworks first creates a connection with Peoplevox, and then it creates a new connection with Salesforce. After which, it gives the user access to assign actions. Hence, we have divided the step-by-step guide into three parts, as it is seen below:

Connection With Salesforce

The following steps are for creating the Salesforce connection in Patchworks:

Step Number 1

Simply head to their website and buy the start 50 GBP per month subscription by clicking on “Book a Demo” in the pricing section.

Step Number 2 

Fill out the contact details, and one of their representatives will call you and provide you access.

Step Number 3 

Now, after gaining access, all you have to do is create a “Starpoint,” which is basically a connection. Click on “Add a Starpoint”

Step Number 4 

Search for Salesforce and create a connection.

Step Number 5 

It should open up a prompt for you to connect your Salesforce via the store link or login method.

Step Number 6 

After completing the prompt, you will be able to see Peoplevox in your integrations. 

Connection With Peoplevox

The process of creating the connection with Salesforce is also the same. The only difference is step number 4. In this step, you have to select Peoplevox instead of Salesforce.

Peoplevox And Salesforce Integration

Now that you have connected Peoplevox and Salesforce, it is time to create actions in Patchwork so that they both work automatically.

Step Number 1: 

The first step is to select an action for Salesforce and Peoplevox. For example, let’s select an action of “Order Received” for Salesforce and select “selected Item sent” as the Peoplevox action.

You have created a connection with this, which simply means that when Salesforce receives an order, the selected item in that order should deploy from Peoplevox. You can create a tonne of actions from this and make them work seamlessly together.

Benefits Of This Integration

The following are the benefit of Peoplevox Salesforce Commerce Cloud integrations:

Excellent Inventory Management

Integration of Peoplevox with Salesforce Commerce Cloud results in improved inventory management by providing businesses with real-time visibility into their inventory levels across all channels, locations, and warehouses. 

This enables businesses to more accurately track their stock levels and identify any potential stockouts, overstocking, or other inventory-related issues that may arise. This can assist businesses in avoiding stockouts as well as overstocking, both of which can have a negative effect on sales as well as the satisfaction of customers.

Enhancements In Order Fullfilng

The Peoplevox salesforce b2b commerce cloud partner streamlines the order fulfillment process by automating a significant portion of the previously manual tasks involved. 

This may involve the automatic generation of purchase orders, the monitoring of inventory levels, and the updating of the status of customer orders. This can help to reduce errors and increase efficiency, which can lead to the fulfillment of orders that are both faster and more accurate.

Personalized Customer Experience

Integrating Peoplevox with Salesforce Commerce Cloud allows businesses to provide customers with personalized product recommendations and targeted marketing campaigns, leading to an overall improvement in the quality of the customer experience. 

The overall satisfaction of customers and their loyalty to a brand can both be boosted as a result of this. Customers are presented with products that they are more likely to purchase when they are shown personalized product recommendations, which can also help to increase sales.

Increased Productivity

The Peoplevox Salesforce Commerce Cloud integrations manage operations by reducing the need for manual data entry and other repetitive tasks. This leads to an overall improvement in productivity. This can help to increase the organization’s overall efficiency and productivity, freeing up staff members to concentrate on more important tasks.

Data Insights

Better data insights are made available to businesses when Peoplevox Salesforce Commerce Cloud integrations take place. This gives businesses access to data that is both more accurate and comprehensive. This can include information about the behavior of customers, the levels of inventory, the trends of sales, and even more. 

These data can be put to use to help make more informed business decisions, locate new opportunities for expansion, and monitor how various products, channels, and marketing campaigns are performing.

Uses of Peoplevox Salesforce Commerce Cloud Integrations

Following are the uses of the Peoplevox Salesforce commerce cloud integration:

Detection Of Fraudulent Activity

The integration of Peoplevox with Salesforce Commerce Cloud enables businesses to automatically flag suspicious orders and transactions, which assists in the prevention of fraudulent activity. 

This may involve marking orders as suspicious if they contain high-risk shipping addresses or multiple orders coming from the same IP address.

Email Automation

Integration between Peoplevox and Salesforce Commerce Cloud enables businesses to automate the sending of personalized email marketing campaigns to customers based on the customers’ browsing and purchasing history. This can include emails to customers whose shopping carts were abandoned, recommendations for products, and special offers.

Multi-Channel Integration

Integration across multiple channels enables businesses to manage and synchronize inventory and customer data across multiple channels, including e-commerce websites, physical stores, and marketplaces. Peoplevox’s integration with Salesforce Commerce Cloud enables this type of multi-channel integration. 

This guarantees that customers have a uniform experience across all available channels and that inventory levels are represented accurately. Moreover, you can also opt for Salesforce commerce cloud development for the addition of other multi-channel options.

Returns and exchanges

The integration between Peoplevox and Salesforce Commerce Cloud gives businesses the ability to automate the process of managing returns and exchanges. This includes keeping track of requests and processing them, as well as issuing refunds and exchanges and updating inventory levels. In addition to this, it offers customers a hassle-free and productive method for returning items.

Cost of PeopleVox and Salesforce integration

There are a total of three costs included in this whole integration process. You have to buy a total of 3 subscriptions, Salesforce, Peoplevox, and Patchworks.

The Salesforce subscription can cost up to 100 USD for a basic subscription; however, since you connect to a WMS it means that you need a pro subscription which can go up to 300 USD/month. Peoplevox will cost around 1000 USD/month. Finally, the patchworks will cost around 500 USD/month as well for 500k orders.

The total monthly cost will go up to 1800 USD per month if all of this works together only in subscriptions.


To summarise, integrating Peoplevox with Salesforce is a straightforward procedure that does, however, call for some level of technical expertise. Before making the integration available to the general public, it is essential to conduct tests to validate that it is operating as intended.

We recommend speaking with a Salesforce commerce cloud consultant if you’re ready to take your e-commerce operations to the next level by integrating Peoplevox with Salesforce Commerce Cloud. Moreover, Salesforce Commerce Cloud Support Services will be able to guide you through the integration procedure and make sure everything goes smoothly.

Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions about the Peoplevox Salesforce Commerce Cloud Integrations that we offer.


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